how to keep up with this trend. In fact, for the past few years, the construction industry underwent numerous transformation where technology has become a significant factor.
Though, aside from that, the way companies operate has also been affected by technology. Today, business models are more efficient, requiring fewer people to handle the project. This leads to higher profit and lower costs– all thanks to technology. Here are some ways on how construction tech could transform performance and advantages.
1. Mobile Devices Combined with Construction Document Management Ensures Overall Accuracy
“Construction Document Management.” Although this may sound unusual for a lot of people, this isn’t something that a lot of construction experts consider as one of the most integral technological innovations in the construction industry.
When combined with smart devices, technological software like BIM are capable of taking 3D models, drone imagery, and the data from the RTS in a single plan, where it can be accessed by people in charge right when it’s needed.
One great example would be the electrical contractors with BIM installed on their mobile devices. This allows the construction workers to be in the room where the scheduled installation would take place. All that is needed to be done is open the interactive 3D model, and contain the device to be able to assess the project carefully.
With this kind of functionality, contractors will be able to guarantee that everyone will be able to see what exactly is happening based on the most up-to-date version of documents.
2. Digital Transformation Leads to an Improvement in Opportunities
The changes happening in the construction industry because of technology had an impact on how companies operate. For instance, project management software for companies is being used to meet the demands of the clients, which includes ensuring that every individual contractor is working together to reach their goals.
New contract models and verticalization are considered to be the heart of this. As civil construction projects rapidly change, company leaders are required to work toward verticalization. As they gain the ability to perform more tasks at a short period, this reduces the risks of overspending, delayed projects, and most especially, everything is done efficiently.
Just like what the Financial Times reported, productivity in the construction site is significant, because lack of it would result in the company having to spend a lot just to meet the demands of the clients.
However, with the help of a project management software, this can be resolved as the integration of necessary information becomes more comfortable. Aside from that, the interactions between parties are also improved, allowing them to work together and meet the final goal.
3. Autonomous Technology and Drones for Worker Safety
Thanks to technology, autonomous vehicles and heavy machinery embedded with IoT technology have been developed. Workers won’t have to risk their lives anymore, as these technological advancements could carry out the dangerous tasks without any problems at all. In fact, a lot of construction companies, such as Komatsu and Caterpillar have been developing these technologies to keep the worker’s safe while on the job site.
GPS technology is also integrated into construction vehicles, that lessens fuel consumption, and allows the driver to reach their destinations quickly. Aside from that, driverless cars are slowly being introduced in the construction industry as well. These vehicles could travel even without a human driver, as long as someone will control it remotely.
Aside from that, what’s right about these, is that they come with sensors allowing them to quickly detect traffic devices, such as orange cones, barricades, and the like. This would reduce the number of accidents, even during daybreak.
Drones are another incredible innovation that shows how technology is improving job site efficiency and productivity. These flying devices offer a bird’s eye view while humans stay on the ground. They are capable of taking high-quality images and footage that are essential for construction applications.
That said, more and more construction managers have been implementing drone x pro in the construction site as they work great in identifying potential hazards, while being able to monitor the workers at the same time.