Every business whether it is an online one or a brick and mortar store has a website; however what sets one apart from the other is the inclusion of certain features. Many a time websites are built without taking the needs of the visitor into consideration and that can make him lose interest in your website and move on to another.

Following are some exciting features that need to be included in your website.

Unique Typography

Font sizes and typography used in the website guide the visitor to the different sections. Your business image can be subtly indicated through the typography; whether you want to project a fun image or a serious one; whether you are an informational website or fulfilling a function. The typography can also highlight the prominent sections of your web pages.

Background Videos

Videos help to tell your story better than words. The processing time of a video is much faster than text and this enables visitors to learn about the key features of your business without needing to go through a lot of text. Watching a video is more effortless and can be grasped quickly. Having a background video helps in effectively retaining the interest of visitors the instant they land on your webpage.

Flat/Semi-flat Design

Websites with flat designs can be easily comprehended besides having quick load times. However, if you give them some hint of depth and shadows without going overboard then that will infuse life into them. At the same time, it is to be remembered that the same design elements have to be followed throughout your website.

Hamburger Menus

It is essential for the visitor to obtain a clean and non-distractive experience as he or she navigates your website. Hamburger menu which comprises of three short horizontal lines arranged one above the other is a much better option than excessively long menu options which are more space consuming. In any case, ensure that the navigation or menu is simple and prominent.

Huge Product Images

Huge product images enable visitors to understand your product features more clearly. It enables the website development company to focus on the varied features in the most effective manner. Since pictures convey better than text, introducing large images helps to reinforce the product benefits.

Card Design

The popularity of Pinterest has evoked the interest of every website development company in card design. The concept of cards as a way of disseminating information is very convenient as visitors can grasp small parts of content more easily. Many a web design company in Mumbai and other places use this design form in the websites as it helps to arrange varied products and offerings adjacently. However, the responsive element should be incorporated into your cards.

On a Concluding Note

A website is judged on various factors and the inclusion of above features will definitely hike the appeal quotient of it. One thing that has to be borne in mind is that do not design the website on what you think is good. Keep it customer-focused and simple to use.