
Print and Workflow Solutions are services that are initially geared towards printing but it’s actually much more than that, it’s also about data management. For printer companies and their support system, its no longer just about selling their cutting edge printers, but also helps you on how you can better manage your data. Companies with big data to manage have always had a challenge on how to manage them, but with managed print services it’s all going to be easy.

Managed print services (MPS) is a new and innovative way to manage the services being given, offering a holistic approach in terms of providing services. With MPS its not just about selling or leasing printers anymore, its also about managing the consumables and managing the information that is being fed into the printers themselves (software solutions). It aims to easily integrate the systems and tools into your process flow and make everything easy for you.

How can print workflow solutions make things easy? Print and Workflow Solutions can make things easy by helping you not just to easily print something but also make it more dynamic. Printers don’t just print, they have this software where you are able to organize everything (cloud). Say your company is a multinational company and operates in over 7 continents. You’re using only one kind of printer for everything and all of those printers are MPS. Say the printer solutions provider gave you a portal that you can access (cloud), with your own settings and workflow, when you go to other printers in other floors or in other countries you log in, your settings are saved and applied, no need to worry about your files or the printer is in a different language, just log in and print away!

Security is also a factor: Over the years, the concern has always been about security. By using 3rd party portals to manage data can put anyone at risk to information security risks, but this is also addressed by MPS. By providing exclusive access to printers like fingerprint or ID access, it provides an exclusive access to printer settings and printer operation per user. Meaning if you don’t have the necessary access you won’t be able to use the printers. Plus all data that are being managed by a portal are hosed in a secure location.

Why companies should invest in MPS: MPS is not just about keeping up with the times and giving upgrade when its due to the printers that are being used for well… printing! MPS re-defines how printers are used, not only will it be able to print faster, better and more accurately, it can also be a tool for you to be able to manage your files as well.

Technology evolves with the times and it seems that “connectivity” has always been the driven force as to how various technologies are given an upgrade. Take printers for example, back in the day it was just a simple device and software for printing, nothing more and nothing less. Now advanced printers are not just able to print a ton of printers at the same time, it can also help you with workflow and data management. Not only that, but it’s also convenient to use and secure.