Better results can be obtained if the social media can be done in an intelligent way. Some tactics may help you to optimize your digital assets and get better profits out of your investments. The digital marketers should understand the goals in a better way when they want to measure and accomplish the ROI accordingly. The insights on the ROI can be achieved by using the historical data in the past. You can also identify the other ways to increase the use of ROI. A vital role is played here by the predictive analytics. A lifetime analysis is also conducted in order to find out the earning potential of each customer. The analytics goals should be aligned with your financial goals to increase the efficiency of the marketing initiatives. This will also help you to understand the KPI’s in a better way. Achieve your goals by testing multiple options in social marketing as it is very important for online growth.

Navigating to the sites:

You cannot place the best practices on the site by just picking them up. You should understand that your business and customers are unique then you can try and try till you succeed with many more options. The drop-down menu should be replaced with a product page by using the data analytics which will help to increase the revenues very quickly. A better customer experience can be created with the visual product imagery to increase the sales using social marketing. A make or break role is played by the navigation of your website in order to determine the effectiveness of your website and online sales. The search functionality of your site should be intuitive and robust. A clean layout will enable an easy navigation on your website. The visitors should have a memorable experience when they navigate through the mobile app or website.

Marketing Strategies:                                                                                                                                                                   

As per the recent research, the companies are planning to increase their expenditure on marketing analytics in the next three years by 73 percent. The social media initiatives are optimized for better targets with the timely insights of the analytics expected by the marketing managers. The conversion rate optimization is defined as a separate field of analytics which requires the deep knowledge of the behaviour of a customer. This analytics will also include the site architecture, navigation, marketing strategy, journey and content navigation etc. The conversion rate optimization is an ongoing effort but not a onetime activity as it should carry out for your entire footprint in a digital form. Most of the companies are making heavy investments in digital investments. They are used to hire the best resources and implement a right tool.