Digital marketing

One of the important parts of digital marketing is debunking old myths that have a habit of becoming conventions. In a field rife with rampant change, marketers always try to find comfort in conventionalities. SEO is also a field that can be suspect to myths creeping up and becoming mainstream.

Considering the number of companies that depend on SEO to boost their traffic, marketers cannot really afford to fall prey to dangerous SEO myths. Those in charge of running SEO and digital marketing campaigns have to make sure they work according to the objective rules of digital marketing and SEO.

In the hurley-burley of digital marketing, it is very difficult to remain objective. Rumors always seem to be prevalent regarding some new algorithm change that could potentially do something spectacularly abstract. Finding clarity with regards to SEO has become more difficult than ever before.

These gaps inadvertently make room for SEO myths to take root and slowly morph into becoming widely held beliefs. The reason behind this fixation with myths is purely down to marketers not being habituated to staying updated with the latest SEO trends.

In this article, we discuss three key SEO myths to steer clear off in 2020.

Keyword Density is a Defining Metric

In the early days of SEO, keyword density was an SEO copywriter’s favorite metric. The better the keyword density, the higher a content piece would rank on SERPs.

These claims were common in 2002, but not now. According to Google’s John Mueller, keyword density is no longer a metric SEO execs should spend time combing over.

 Digital marketing

The focus should rather be on writing quality content. All trends in recent years have suggested that search engines are moving over the keyword-oriented approach to ranking content. This is partly due to search engines becoming more adept at understanding the context of the content. Keywords are no longer as important as they once were.

So, move over keyword density. Concentrate on the quality of content and research your audience to know the kind of topics they might be searching for.

SSL Certificate is a Luxury

Let’s not delve into a whole monologue on cybersecurity and agree that the security of a website is important.

An SSL certificate is often seen as a luxury by many SEO execs. This is often because the budget for marketing, especially SEO, is small.

Despite all these peripheral problems, getting an SSL certificate has become an absolute must in this day and age. Netizens are much more vigilant about their privacy and protective of their data. An SSL certificate can help alleviate common user concerns and help build the SERPs of a website.

Backlinks are the Ultimate Solution

Whenever faced with a challenge in an SEO campaign, many marketers choose to respond with an effort to increase backlinks.

Backlinks are important, there is no question about it.   However, marketers should develop a better diagnostic approach to common SEO challenges. Always falling back on increasing backlinks is not a viable solution.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, this article discusses three SEO myths marketers should steer clear off in 2020.

About the Author – Neha Aggarwal is a digital marketer and branding consultant with over seven years of experience in the world of advertising and marketing. She currently writes weekly guest posts for Eduburg, known widely amongst students looking for a digital marketing institute  in Delhi.